Liberated STories

“Amazing. Divine. Supported. I have no problem dreaming and creating goals for myself.
My problem lies in actually acting on them. I knew that having a coach would help hold me accountable. Jessicah understood me in a way that made me FEEL SAFE to be open and vulnerable.
The biggest change I've witnessed is my willingness to SHOW UP for myself. One of my goals was to find joy in my day and I truly make an effort to do that. My relationships have improved because I am HAPPIER and bring a BETTER ENERGY to the people in my life.”
~Athena P.

“I realized I had not let myself truly explore certain areas within me, and this was a safe space to do so. Empowering, insightful & nurturing!
I think the best way to describe where I was would be to use the words "stuck" and "lost". I was really struggling to figure out what I wanted in life and what steps to even take to begin to address figuring it out. Since I was in the middle of a divorce, it was a period of time where I found I really needed to redefine my life and what I wanted, so I guess you could say I was trying to launch ME!
The biggest change I've witnessed is intentionality.
This has actually given me strength to change careers and make sure my new path aligns with my core values. It has made me feel more comfortable in fostering relationships that build me up, and let go of relationships that are not positive. Within myself, I think it manifests in confidence.
~Megan C.

“I knew there was more. That it was time to discover...invest in ME. I knew a bit about Jess, her story. Something about her story and her coaching posts drew my heart in, spoke to me. I took the leap!
I was at the final stages of personal therapy that had me coming to new understandings of myself, my relationships with my parents, and how I wanted to be moving forward with my husband, my kids, and my personal dreams. I was struggling to know myself, my dreams, my values. Therefore I was struggling to define my personal goals. I was wanting to create something new for myself, within myself. I wanted to create something new...something authentic to me.
My biggest change is to value authentic self and to fight for my coaching, simplifying, adventure. I am setting boundaries and keeping them first for me, then with my hubby, my kids, and others.
~Lisa F.

“I feel this life coaching series will ultimately be the one thing that I can come back to when I do launch my own business. As for my inner world or peace, as I would call it, I feel like I have reached a new level of acceptance for where I am on my healing journey.
I remember us talking about me wanting to experience MORE JOY in my life. After the first session I realized I needed to identify what joy meant for me. What did joy look like in my life? We also set goals, and it made me feel like I had a sense of direction and control over where I wanted my life to go. I also FELT SEEN for the first time in awhile. Jessicah was very intuitive on her ability to reflect back to me what I was trying to say.
I started recognizing areas of repetition that needed to be broken. For example, I started asking myself why am I responding this way? Why does receiving this text upset me? Is this how I want my life to look? Then taking the answers to those questions and setting a plan in place TO BREAK THE CYCLE. It gave me POWER in the relationships that I was struggling in and CLARITY on perhaps why they were struggling.”
~Jill B.

“It was transformative simply to have a space just for me to talk about my journey. I knew that’s what I needed. Jess also gave me some tough-yet-gentle love that helped me get out of my fearscape and see a new perspective I desperately needed.
I was starting my second Frozen Embryo Transfer and needed guidance of weathering my fear around fertility. I also wanted help managing all the ups and downs that come from the hormones, travel, and many doctor visits.
The first day of the journal prompt got me thinking about how I wish I had approached big changes differently in the past. That helped me take the plunge.
Jess guided me through a deeply challenging phase of life. Her earned wisdom, ability to ask the right questions, and help turning chaos into plans are unmatched - and I believe anyone looking to transcend their fears and make a fresh start can benefit from working with Jess!
I trust myself and challenge myself more. I find myself feeling bolder and more at peace when it comes to the future - having had the space to wrestle some old demons and develops new skills.”
~Emma E.

“I feel the biggest change is an awareness of my core values that Jessicah helped me identify and using those as a filter when I make decisions to confirm that I am being true to myself ( those values). This has helped me to accept who I am and be able to celebrate how God has wired me.
When I contacted Jessicah I was feeling very stuck, disconnected, and needing someone in my corner to "see the future me". I was struggling with trying to move from the past and my role at my former job to who am I now, empty nester, widowed, 61 in years but 40 in my head. After dating for the past 10 years off and on, the messages in my mind were less than favorable about the future and I had so many questions about what am I good at, what do I bring to "the table" and what might be next and what could be next. In essence, I had needed reminding of the 'me' I used to be and the me I want to become!
I feel like this is the beginning of a lifelong journey of learning more in every area from writing daily intentions, breaking down goals, exploring dreams, getting more in touch with feeling statements vs. thinking, and seeking opportunities that align with the values and goals that I uncovered through this coaching process."
~Nancy S.