With a story like mine, you can't be the same as you were before...physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. I decided after my 2nd craniotomy (and final tumor-related surgery) it was time to recenter and start a quest to wholeness in a fragmented body. It became "The Year of Jess", as my husband loved calling it. This year wasn't about getting everything I wanted. It was about staying open to any and all opportunities to heal my body, mind, and soul. I had no idea what this would look like or where it could possibly take me. I never dreamt I would find the person that I did. I had no idea that peace with myself in this new, weird, quirky, strange head of mine was possible. Could I live without fear? Could I like the new me? And what would wholeness actually feel like?
Craniotomies and tumors are only a part of a much deeper story. This is the part of my story that is out in the open for all to see. It's the WOW part of my story.

My story has many chapters
losing and finding my marriage,
raising daughters,
being a pastor's wife,
surviving years of narcissistic gaslighting abuse from an employer and father,
being a daughter to an estranged father,
fighting for and finding my child lost in addiction. (click here to hear her story)
leaving evangelical Christianity while learning the depths of spirituality and bigness of the Divine,
building a non-profit teen center and mentoring program from the ground up,
building my own business,
podcasting, podcasting, and, oh ya, more podcasting,
AND ... learning to rise above SURVIVING to find THRIVING!
My Girls
My Girls
I am mom to the most beautiful and strong women I could be privlidged to know. They have stories too...and I couldn't be prouder of them.
My Love
My Love
I am in love with my husband of 27 years, Casey...we almost lost us, but because of the hard, intentional work we've done, we are the most amazing thing I know. Now I'm living love like I never thought possible.
My Grandson
My Grandson
I am a grandma to Asher. He is a gift to our whole family in ways beyond words. I'm loving this new phase of my journey with every bone in my body. He is joy and light!
My story and my "Year of Jess" led me here...to you!
I took each opportunity to heal and find myself...and I found so much more than I was expecting.
I found Joy, hope, adventure, and new career paths.
I have met people that challenged me in ways I could have never done for myself.
My body needed doctors, PT's, and Massage therapists. My heart needed adventure and friends. My soul needed life coaches, therapists, and new careers.
Learning to listen to what I needed was the secret to my Year of Jess. Building "Jess" back into one whole being wasn't (isn't) easy, but it was so worth it!
Are you ready for your year? Are you ready to explore the beautiful story of you? I hope you'll commit to your wholeness with abandonment and passion! You won't regret it!