You're taking a big deep breath because it's coming...
...the clash of politics at the holiday table.
....the obligatory traditions you want out of.
...the overspending because everyone deserves a gift.
....the 10+ places you must attend in one 24-hour holiday.
....the exhaustion of meeting all their expectations.
...and let's not forget how you switched political parties and left your
faith system but still have to show up at all the same things you did before!
(I was really good at putting my big girl panties on and hiding!)
Do you run away to a tropical island?
Make a lot of excuses?
Or put your big girl panties on and suffer through it?
Well, Here's A Little Secret...
The POWER of healthy boundaries is that we get to teach others how to treat us.
The CONSEQUENCE of not having healthy boundaries is that we teach others how to treat us.

We have learned to be masterful People Pleasers.
I know...I hate that label too. But it's not because we are weak or can't stand up to others.
It's because we care about peace. We care about our relationships.
We've learned to navigate our most pivotal relationships with craft and strategy. A strategy of teaching others how we want to be treated. A strategy towards external peace.
We use these strategies everywhere:
Thanksgiving/Christmas gatherings (oh the dynamics in these spaces...and they are just around the corner!)
Our workplaces (this was a big one for me!)
Our marriage or primary partnerships
Sibling relationships
Our faith community (we use a lot of coded language and even intrude in people's lives in ways that we never should ....or should never allow.)
Our friends
BUT if your strategy is leaving you feeling unheard, unseen, undervalued, and exhausted, then it's time to implement a NEW strategy... A strategy that allows equality in the relationship.
Living into the expectations of others or avoiding the reactions of others, keeps our “real self” held back keeps you playing small.

Rearranging your story to fit other people's expectations isn't your truth!
That's living someone else's story.
You Are...
a survivor.
a peacekeeper.
a comfort creator.
a sacrificer.
a true friend to everyone.
a positive spinner.
You Are Also...
feeling unseen.
internally conflicted.
quietly angry.
wondering where your joy went.
disconnected from your own dreams and desires.
So what if... could stop surviving...
family gatherings...
workplace culture...
church relationships...
your marriage...
Thriving is living in a way where you give and get energy equally.
Surviving can look like
managing other people’s reactions to keep things peaceful, and
adjusting what you want to make sure someone else is comfortable.
In other words...
You’re doing ALL this output of energy that is ONLY creating space for someone else without room for you. What you want, desire, think, and care about…it’s all second to making others feel comfortable with you.

One of our big mistakes in setting boundaries with ourselves or others is that we keep them vague and undefined. Learning clarity will make boundaries effortless.

Consistency is your superpower for successful boundaries. You will be modeling what it means to honor you. Without consistency, you teach others that your boundaries aren't really important to you.

Knowing where you end and they begin is the Sacred Space of honoring yourself. Identifying your energy maximums and personal needs will lead you to boundaries that let you thrive!
With a little bit of mindset shift and strategic tools, we can change this for you.
I believe that you have in you, right now, the ability to be FREE from this lifesuck.
I believe that if you are honest with where you are in relation to boundaries while in this course, you will walk away with a new way to interact with the world around you.
You won't just be learning tips, tools, and skills. You will have this e-course for life to revisit and re-experience the journal work at new transitions of life.
Relationships shift with new careers, new home locations, and new family members. The E-course allows you to come back to these principles as needed.
What's it worth to you to NEVER AGAIN have to collapse into a puddle of shyness when someone intimidating makes a comment about a recent move you made in life?
What's it worth to you to NEVER AGAIN feel controlled by unrealistic obligations?
What's it worth to you to NEVER AGAIN feel the insecurity of not being enough?
Let me be honest (and pardon my American French here)...
when you learn how to live with boundaries, your $75
is going to change your whole fucking life!
Master E-course​
Learn how to support your emotional and mental health by establishing the personal boundaries that move you from surviving to THRIVING!
It Begins Now!
What My Master E-course Includes:​
4 Modules of teaching: Audio Download to listen to at your convenience.
Journal prompts and explorations
Facebook Group is available 24/7 for sharing, connecting, and questions.
Applicable Resources that support the Mastercourse topic.
Course Outline: ​
Module 1: Boundaries Assessment
Module 2: Five Types Of Boundaries
Module 3: Three C's of Setting Boundaries
Module 4: It's Go Time! Implementing New Boundaries
Your Investment:
Pay in Full
The 5 Myths of Setting Boundaries Download when you register.
And Bonus Meditations!
So, Who Am I?
I am the one who threw out the big girl panties and built my boundaries.
I am the one who gets 1-Star Ratings on her podcasts because she's pissing off all the right people!​
I am a survivor of the Pastor's Wife's life.
I am the one calling out the Oppressors so we can ALL heal.
I am your ally to liberation and freedom.
I am a human who has healed herself more times than she can count.
I am the one who chose sight-saving brain surgery...twice.
I am a fucking Lionness with a really loud roar!
My story has many chapters that have evolved me into a woman who calls Bullshit on the "way it's supposed to be". I've learned how to de-program from toxic and hurtful beliefs and practices, but even more...I've learned how to coach my clients into clean and supportive breakthroughs. The kind of breakthroughs that change the future!
I have been coaching women through new mindsets for the last three years, but my coaching began over 20 years ago as a teen mentor. This evolved into coaching runners in 2014. Coaching has been a way of life for me. I am a Certified Master NLP (neurolinguistic programming) Practitioner and I look forward to bringing all these skills, practices, and processes into my work with you.
Oh...and I'm also a nomad. I live my life on the road with my husband of over 27 years. We are traveling the world together! Remember when I said that a liberated story is unleashed possibilities? Well, I'm living it. We dreamed our way right into a new way to live this life. So don't be surprised to find a new background on each of our zoom calls.
My story is still being written and you get to be witness to it! I encourage you to click through my website and listen to my podcasts. I share so much of who I am and give you snippets of the kind of work I do.

Liberate your Boundaries and you liberate your story